Nikon 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-S DX VR ED Nikkor Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras / 18-55 vr lens
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Nikon 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-S DX VR ED Nikkor Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras

Nikon 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-S DX VR ED Nikkor Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
18-55 vr lens
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Nikon 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-S DX VR ED Nikkor Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
18-55 vr lens
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Nikon 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-S DX VR ED Nikkor Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
18-55 vr lens
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Customer Review :
18-105mm or 18-200mm : Nikon 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-S DX VR ED Nikkor Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
I recently traded the 18-55mm Vr lens from my D60 kit for this lens. I wanted something with more range than the 18-55 offered, and with Vr, so it was a choice between the 18-200mm Vr and this lens. between the price of the latter, and the reports of worse distortion, zoom creep, and poor feel of the zoom & focus rings of the 18-200, I decided this was the best choice. The fact that this lens is a tad shorter and a good bit lighter (420g vs. 560g) make it an even better choice for a walkaround (or even only) lens for general use.
The fit & terminate is much better than that of the kit lens, and while it is a bit heavier than the 18-55, it's not appreciably longer, if any. I'm not a good enough photographer to tell you how it compares on distortion to whether the 18-55 or the 18-200, so I won't even try. But it produced a whole of astounding images for me today, under low light and handheld, without noticeable distortion, and they were very clear except if I was shaking badly (this is with shutter speeds of 1/40-1/10). I purchased it for $300 new, about half of the price of the 18-200mm Vr. In all, I am quite satisfied with this lens as an all-around, do-everything lens.
Update: Well, this lens lasted me about a year. No, it didn't break, I just upgraded to the 16-85mm Vr and passed it on to a family member just getting into digital Slrs.
So for an extra ~$450, the 16-85mm Vr adds:
-Vrii instead of customary Vr, and the Active-Normal switch that comes with this. Nikon claims 4 stops for Vrii, instead of 3 stops. I didn't test them side by side, but I do consideration both the new lens and my 70-300mm Vr (which also has Vrii) are less prone to shake than the 18-105mm was. Not sure if I'd claim a full stop better, but there is some improvement.
-An extra 2mm on the wide end, and better image quality, at the cost of 20mm on the telephoto end. I positively don't miss the 30mm on the long end, and I can switch to the telephoto lens positively enough. positively though, I don't find myself racked out at 85mm and wanting just a miniature more focal length much at all. The 2mm on the wide end is kind of a toss-up. It's nice to have, and positively noticeable compared to 18mm. But it won't replace a dedicated wide-angle if you like wide-angle shots, just add 2mm more overlap than you already get. Kind of makes you feel goofy buying a $1k wide-angle for only 4-6mm less focal length.
-A metal mount, a length scale, and whole better construction. The metal lens mount and length scale are no-brainers, even though I hardly Need the length scale. But both that and the metal mount could've positively been added to the 18-105mm for negligible cost, especially inspecting the $400+ Msrp. It's kind of disappointing that Nikon skimped on a miniature plastic window and a miniature chunk of metal, even for a kit lens, to save maybe $10. The zoom and focus ring operation of the 16-85mm Vr is much more fluid-feeling than the plasticy feel of the 18-105mm Vr, but it also weighs a good bit more. Not heavy in a bad way however, it just feels more solid.
Honestly, while I don't regret buying the 16-85mm Vr, I'm not sure if it's positively worth the extra cost (compared to the general ~$300 cost of an 18-105mm Vr, not retail, which would be silly for a coarse kit lens). I upgraded for the image quality, and because it felt weird to have the most-used lens in my kit be the bottom potential (image and construction). If you can live with the plastic mount, miniature distortion and softness, and economy feel, the 18-105mm is still a great value for the money. This lens and the 70-300mm Vr still match or best the 18-200mm Vr lens, at about the same whole cost, with more versatility.
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